The BlogWorld Experience – My Cupp #bwe10

BlogWorld and New Media Expo isn’t just an educational experience, but it’s also a chance to network and build your brand. A trio of us (me, ThemeParkMom, and MommyMusings) decided to make a girlfriend getaway out this annual event. It is Las Vegas, after all!

Blood Orange Mimosa at Silk Road was a media partner with BlogWorld and I was also the instigator behind the travel portion of the expo. Each year, I learn a little bit more and I always listen to the attendees opinions on what they liked and what they didn’t, so that each time it gets that much better.

The best part about the entire expo is that the BlogWorld experience doesn’t end when the event is over. The introductions made at this conference can turn into mutually beneficial and long lasting relationships. The BlogWorld blog is still there, with frequent updates and guest posters offering valuable advice for your blog and social media for business.

MommyMusings with Eiffel Tower Drink at Paris CasinoAn aspect of BlogWorld that I love is not only the destination of Las Vegas, but how relaxed and happy everyone seems to be. It was fun. It was a blast. ThemeParkMom went around with her Kodak Zi8 and put together this BlogWorld montage featuring a great song by our Jamaican friend Richie Loop. MommyMusings is his biggest fan in the US and we all agreed that “My Cupp” is the perfect track for any gathering.

Special thanks to Richie for allowing us to use his song, and big thanks to everyone who let their hair down for this fun video. High-five to Dave and Rick from BlogWorld and all the personalities seen on here. Next time you go to a club or have a party, this song is a MUST!

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