Passports with Purpose

Many of our readers may notice that while the Traveling Mamas enjoy travel, we also take pride in helping others and giving back to the travel community. This holiday season we’ve joined together with Passports with Purpose to help raise money for a gift that gives back.

Passports with Purpose is a joint effort by Seattle area travel bloggers and is led by Beth Whitman, of Wanderlust and Lipstick. These travel bloggers had the idea of raising money for Heifer International, a really cool site that allows donors to purchase cows, water buffalo, and even pigs for communities around the world. Heifer projects around the world help families achieve self-reliance through the gift of livestock and training. Gifts are passed from recipient to recipient until entire communities are transformed.

So what’s in it for you, the reader? Traveling Mamas has put together a basket of goodies (graciously donated by a few sponsors) that is being raffled through Passports with Purpose. These goodies are travel items we believe in, and they can also be found in our holiday gift guide. A $10 donation through First Giving, along with the code GB01 placed in the comment section of your donation, enters your name in the drawing. Be sure to leave your email address so that you can be contacted if you win. Your donation goes towards helping a rural community build and sustain itself.

The Traveling Mamas basket includes:

Funkey Finder – A fashionable way to keep up with your rental key on vacation. $18.95.

Tassi – A crazycool product that keeps your hair neat while putting on makeup or cleansing your face. Packs just right for that special trip. $14.99.

Carson LensPen – This is one of my favorite items. I’ve used it for years to keep my camera lens clean, and it is the size of an ink pen. $12.99.

4 Designer Luggage Tags – Bonjour Fleurette luggage tags retail for $12 each. Total $48.

Eastsport Natural Collection Duffle Bag – $60.

Remember to make your donation through First Giving. Thank you for your continued support.

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  1. We have supported this organization for years. It is the perfect charity to involve your children with contributions. We tell our children how much we will spend and then look through the online catalogue and allow them to choose the animals they want to give. As we look through all of the animals it gives us an opportunity to give to areas that have been in the current news or to give to countries we have visited or where we have friends and family living. It is difficult model giving money to children in a way that interests them, Heifer International is a wonderful organization to give your money to and show your kids that helping others is an everyday responsibility that can be fun.

  2. I’m so there! Congrats to you gals on getting in on this great idea.

    We gave Heifer Intl. as gifts last year and will do so again this year, but I’ll give a little extra through the raffle.


  3. Pingback: Passports With Purpose Charity Fundraiser | Fun Things to Do
  4. I’m also overjoyed to participate in a new tradition aimed at sharing the joy of the season and the gift of giving with others—Passports with Purpose, a travelbloggers’ fundraising effort to benefit Heifer International. Pls donate if you are also in the spirit of giving.

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