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Tots on the Go Giveaway

Tots on the GoTots on the Go.com, a Virginia-based company, has teamed with Traveling Mamas to let you guys pick out your own prize, and we’re giving you a month do to it!

From their site:

“We started this business out of the desire to share our knowledge, as fairly new parents, of the many great products available. We spent countless hours researching the latest and great products to make a families life easier. With our personal experience as parents and constant research we will help make the right choice for you.”

Wow. This is the type of shop TravelingMamas.com likes. And they even have a showroom that is opening April 25!

So, what do you have to do to win something? Check out Tots on the Go’s Travel Gear section and choose the item you want to win. Just come back here and leave a comment stating your choice of prize. The product with the most comments is the item we’ll give away to a lucky winner.

We’re giving you guys a month to enter, so be sure to tell all your friends. Contest is open to US residents and immediate family members of Traveling Mamas are ineligible to win. Closing date is May 13, 2008. Winning entry and prize will be announced on Winning Wednesday, May 14, just in time for that fabulous family vacation this summer.

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  1. I love the KidCo’s PeaPod Plus, so much room and no worrying about where to put baby.

  2. Kidco Pea Pod Plus would be my answer!thanks for a great contest! enter me please.


  4. I love the Kidco Pea Pod…that’s what I would get, although it’s a pretty tough call! Thanks!

  5. I would have to say The Ultimate Toy & Travel Bag would be my choice! Great contest.

  6. I love the Svan Bouncer in Chocolate/Orange! I’d love to have this for my new boy coming this summer!!

  7. The Phil & Teds Lazy Ted looks great! For a baby that was just born, he will love it!

  8. The CARES Safety Harness looks like a great alternative to lugging the big carsear onto the plane!!

  9. What a very generous giveaway. Thank you. I’d love the Svan Bouncer if we won. Thanks again.

  10. I like the Phil & Ted’s Traveller for my 9 month old and the Gentle Air child air bed for my 4 year old…

  11. I love the Trunki Towgo…but there isn’t anything on this site that isn’t a really nice product.

  12. The Ultimate Toy and Travel Bag. I love being organized in my car. Thanks for the giveaway.

  13. I’d love to win the CARES harness. We have one for my son and will need a second one for my daughter soon.

  14. The BOB REVOLUTION DUALLIE stroller looks awesome! We have 3 kids, but our middle one was diagnosed with autism. It’s tough to keep him safe, especially when we are out and about, but this stroller looks perfect! It’s a bit pricey for us…with all the $$$ spent on therapies…but looks like an easy fold, nice front swivel, and the orange color is cool!

  15. I love all of it, but my favorite is the Blue Trunki. It is so cute. My little tot and I are always traveling long distances to visit Nana and Papa and this would be so handy. Thank you for having this giveaway.

  16. Hello, What a fantastic contest! One of my favorite items from their site is the
    “KidCo Pea Pod.” I have never seen anything like it before. How useful! Thanks,Cindi

  17. I would love the Gentle Air Child Air Bed. We don’t have a lot of room for overnight guests but my neices and nephews love spending the night. This would be awesome! 2nd choice would be the Sleep Sheep. How cute!

  18. wow! I would take anything from that site, awesome products!! My favorite is “Stylish Svan High Chair” – we got our high chair from goodwill – it would be weird to have such a nice one!

  19. I am having a hard time choosing just one! So, here are my top picks:

    Phil & Ted lazy bouncer
    Phil & Ted carrier (either)

    Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  20. Love the Kidco Pea Pod Plus-would be SO useful. All of the products from Tots on the Go look great, though!

  21. What a fantastic giveaway! My favorite is the MeToo chair. It is perfect for grandmas house.

  22. The kid travel bed. We camp ALOT, and I’d love to have three of these, one for each of my little ones.

    Wonderful prize!!

  23. I love the KidCo’s Peapod Plus, great to take when we go camping in the summer! Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. I absolutely love the Sit n Stroll by TriplePlay! I am sooo sick of lugging around a car seat when I forget the stroller! Great Idea! Thanks!

  25. I would absolutely LOVE to have the blue trunki!

    I blogged your contest on Prize-A-Tron

  26. I love the Sit n Stroll. We used to have one 8 years ago and loved it. But it was passed on to others and now we have another baby in the family. We need this strolle.

  27. What a great response! This is Ellie from Tots on-the-go. So far the Pea Pod is taking the lead with the Infant Cruizer and Trunki coming up fast. I love the responses and glad you like the site. Thanks moms/dads and thanks Traveling Mamas!

  28. I would choose the Snack & Play tray for long car rides, because we travel to Chicago (a five hour ride) fairly often because three of my siblings live there. This tray would make the ride much smoother, allowing one of my kids to have everything at their fingertips, they could take turns while the other is watching the portable DVD player.

  29. Love the Snack & Play Travel Tray

    callmeabookworm at gmail dot com

    ps – I’m having THREE GIVEAWAYS combined on both my blogs. Hope you’ll stop by.

  30. Loved them all, but thought the on the go was a cute idea. I’ve always been one to stop at parks. Could really use as a baby gift. Have 4 friends and relatives expecting this year.
    Please enter me, thank you

  31. I love all of the strollers – the Micralite Toro is the one that would best suit our family.

  32. The Gentle Air Child Air Bed would make our lives a lot easier! (and Mom and Dad much more comfortable)

  33. Me too chair would be great for going out to eat, the peapod plus looks comfy, too much stuff to choose from! All of it looks great!

  34. I’d really like the CARES safety harness. We’ll be flying a lot and with just one child now I’m sure we’d get a TON of use out of it in the next few years!

  35. I would love the Valco Four seasons foot muff. I need something for my dd and the stroller. Perfect!

  36. I would love to win the Cares aviation Safety Harness! I could really use it for our 9 hour plane ride this summer with our 17 month old! Great site, by the way, this is my first visit but I’ll be back often!

  37. I loved the ultimate toy and travel bag. THis would be perfect for any age.

  38. The Snack & Play Travel Tray is so cool! Exactly what I’ve been trying to find!

  39. That site has so many great products. I would love to have the Phil&Teds NEW Vibe, but with that pricetag its a dream.

  40. We really need a “gogo Kidz Travelmate travel accessory” for this summer!

  41. The TrendyKid Trunki Towgo!!! What a clever idea. I would have to fight with my older kids to let their little sister use it.

  42. The Cool Gear Travel Potty would be very handy. We have to drive 67 miles to the closest shopping.

  43. I LOVE that Trunki suitcase for kids. I have never seen anything like that and it is only $39.99!!! It is TOO cute. I swear, they have everything these days!!!

  44. Phil & Teds Me Too Chair. This is real nifty for those picnics at Amusement parks and road side stops.

  45. Sit n Stroll by TriplePlay is absolutely wonderful. I wish it were around when I had my first child. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  46. Go Go Babyz Infant Cruizer seems to be the most useful for us right now. However, their are many useful products we could use!

  47. The Ultimate Toy & Travel Bag looks great for those long car rides this summer.

  48. what a great site!! love it all! Especially the gogo Kidz Infant Cruizer travel accessory

  49. Would love to win the Gentle Air Child Air Bed perfect for our getaways to grandmas house!

  50. The infant cruiser would be great for my grandchild that will be here in a few months!

  51. The gogo Kids Travel Mate looks incredible. It would be so useful! Car seats are such a hassle when you travel and are so expensive to rent. It would be great to have one of these.

  52. I would love the BOB Stroller Strides Single in Red. I have been looking at these to purchase, winning this would be so much better!!! Thanks!!

  53. I could really use the CARES Aviation Safety Harness on our plane trip this summer.

  54. Love the KidCo’s PeaPod Plus. I recently traveled and struggled to find a safe place for my child to sleep.

  55. I like the Sit n Stroll by TriplePlay. I just love the convenience of it.

  56. My ideal way to spend mothers day with my mom, would be just me and her hanging out doing make-over eating chocolate and fun stuff like that. It would be a day that me and her would talk for hours about cute guys and really just bond. We could tak about old baby stories and laugh and cry! I love my mom and that would be how i would love to spend mothers day!

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