Serendipity with the Nokia N8 at CES
An aspect I love about travel is meeting people and seeing things through their eyes. When I was invited to CES (the International Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas, Nevada, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I was sent a Nokia N8 to document the journey and provide my own perspective of the experience.
What I experienced was more than just a hands on product familiarisation. It was an amazing rediscovery of what I enjoy about life and the moments that come our way. I made new friends and saw things through their eyes. It was refreshing. It was authentic.
The Photographer – Tracey Clark of has inspired me to put deeper thought into each photo I take. She has a beautiful eye for capturing images of a moment and shared her experience of CES through her photos. She took this photo of my shoes as we were waiting for a shuttle to CES one morning. You can see a collection of Tracey Clark photos taken with the Nokia N8 while at CES on Flickr. I’d love to have her on future trips, just to see the world through her lens.

The Sustainable Creator – Caitlin Bristol isn’t just the lead creative for, she also lives each moment with a conscious effort for sustainable living. I enjoyed seeing CES through her eyes, giving me a new appreciation for being a responsible world citizen. She’s not only pretty and smart, but witty too. We took a Nissan LEAF test drive together and I learned so much about sustainable living by listening to her ask questions about the vehicle and the products inside it. You can watch her test drive video on YouTube, which was recorded and edited with the Nokia N8.
The Automotive Trends Expert – Alex Kierstein, from The Hooniverse, seemed quiet and introspective when I first met him. Then, we began to chat about the automotive industry press conferences and I could tell just how passionate he is about all things automotive. I probably wouldn’t have stopped at the Hyundai booth if it wasn’t for Alex and I’m so glad I did. I discovered Blue Link Driver Alerts for parents of teen drivers. We had an amazing time exploring the Vegas Strip by foot as Alex discovered Las Vegas for the first time. He really knows what he’s writing about and The Hooniverse has a new fan in this mama. Below you can see Alex in action as he sits inside a Hyundai Sonata. I tweeted this photo from CES on my own Nokia N8.

While we’re all different, not just in personalities, but in how we each see the world, we can thank Nokia for bringing us all together. I’ve participated in many sponsored events in the past, but have to admit that this experience is one I won’t soon forget. The serendipitous moments of bumping into old friends and making new friends along the way are etched into my memories. I appreciate Nokia’s sponsorship and how they encouraged us to be authentic and enjoy the experience of using the Nokia N8 to explore CES.

This is my CES Perspective, thanks to Nokia.
What an amazing experience that you had Shannon! I know it had to be a whirlwind but a positive whirlwind that left you knowing so much what is in store for the tech world.
I have to say I will always love Hyundai too as that was my first car I ever bought new. 🙂
Loved Tracy’s photograghs. I liked looking at CES perspective in her eyes. I plan to continue to check out Shutter Sisters on a regular basis. I hope I learn from her. Fresh way to look thru a lens.