5 tips for traveling by plane with school aged kids
Taking kids on a flight can be a lot of fun for the family, or a lot of stress for the family. Put the ball in your court by following a few of these tips to ensure flying will be a lot of fun for everyone. This past weekend on our flights to Branson, MO, we were told by one of the flight attendants that our girls were so well behaved. I will admit, it put a smile on my face and an extra bounce in my step. How did the girls do so well?
5 things you should pack on your child’s carry-on to ensure a great flight
1. Electronic Game Devices: Technology can be your best friend on a flight. My girls each had a carry-on backpack with their DSi’s and games. The variety of games helped change up things throughout the flight as well.
2. Drawing Pad: My girls love to draw, so each girl had a drawing pad coupled with a bag of colored pencils. You can give the children ideas to draw, such as what they hope to see on the trip or just let their imagination run wild.
3. Reading Books: I encourage reading daily with my girls and interact with them to ask questions about the stories. Pack several age appropriate books and engage with the kids throughout the book to keep them interested.
4. Portable Games: Child favorite games can usually be found in travel size such as this Connect Four game. The girls loved playing Connect Four on the trip and it allows a variety of activities to choose from during your travels.
5. Snacks: You can’t take large bags of snacks or unopened food through security but you can purchase snacks once you get to the gate. Yes, they may be a little more expensive, but not that expensive. It keeps the kids from having a melt down due to hunger pains and it’s less stress on everyone.
The key is to offer variety. Kids can get bored on such a long flight and if you keep changing up activities then more than likely you are going to have one happy child traveling. Happy kids make for happy mamas. Happy travels!