Hotels and Resorts

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HyattHouse starts off summertime with a splash

What time is it? Summertime! It’s our vacation. What time is it? Party time! That’s right, say it loud. –          High School Musical 2 What time is it?  Summertime!  And, what with two tween girls and the end of the school year, you know we’ve been prepping for elementary school graduation, Space Camp, and a…

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Traveling with a Teen in New York City

Longing for some uninterrupted time with our only child, my husband and I agreed that we needed a family vacation. Bribing is not necessarily the best parenting practice. However, the opportunities to travel with our insanely busy college-age son, Weston, are dwindling. So we made him an offer he couldn’t refuse–an all expense-paid trip to…