Travel News – Week of March 1, 2010
I’ve had a good number of press releases and information come through the Traveling Mamas’ mailbox. Some things have come via my personal email from friends and colleagues. I love supporting authentic people, so when my Canada e-Connect cohort, Kim Mance, announced that the finalized episode of Galavanting in the Colorado Rockies was ready, I couldn’t wait to share.
Kim aired a sneak peek during our travel blogger panel at Canada e-Connect presented by Phocuswright and the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC). Want to see more? Check out Kim’s post on how to get the Galavanting Gals on your local channel. I’d watch!
Speaking of travel writing, do you or someone you know want to share your travel knowledge and make a few bucks while you’re creating content? BootsnAll, the grandpappy of all travel blog communities has launched the new BootsnAll Travel Writers Platform, giving YOU the chance to share your experiences with the world. Check out the video by Mr. BootnAll himself, Sean Keener.
Finally, tonight on The Travel Channel, my favorite rascal Tony Bourdain shows us Ecuador with his gritty wit and penchant for bringing viewers along with the crew. While Tony may be entertaining, I’m finding that I enjoy reading the behind-the-scenes adventures of the crew in the No Reservations Crew Blog. Here’s a ‘taste’ to get ready for tonight’s episode. No Reservations airs Mondays at 10E/P on The Travel Channel:
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Oh – great tip on the No reservations crew blog…I always love behind the scenes stuff!