Tips to Enjoy a Family Vacation as seen on Mom Life
Jen and Barb, Mom Life provides tips for moms for the every day. In this episode, they ask me a few tips on how to enjoy that quintessential family vacation.
Do you have some tips or tricks for planning and implementing your family trips?
Can’t see the video? Access the link directly at Jen and Barb, Mom Life.
This is an Awesome web site full Fab tips for us mom’s ( or mum’s as we scots say). Just thought i would let you know of a great read for kid’s while on long road/plane journeys ‘ Gorgeous George and the Giant Geriatric Generator’ by Stuart Reid. This author is currently doing a tour of primary schools in the UK and has captivated the kids and teachers with his presentation and there is just one word to say about the book ‘hilarious’. Having two children myself and knowing how hard keeping everyone happy is especially the kids. I’m always looking for something for them to read so they’re not watching too many movies on flights and not feeling as if there back at school having to read. Whether it be reading on a long car journey, sitting on a plane for hours bored with the in-flight entertainment or chilling by the pool this book is so much Fun!!!