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Aquariums to Zoos: Finding Family Fun on a Budget

The price of gas and rising airline tickets are forcing many families to stay closer to home this summer. Here are some travel tips to help families save money while still being able to vacation.

Plan to visit relatives.

Grandma sure would like to see the grandkids, so why not save a few bucks by bunking at her place. Just be sure to help her out with the dishes and don’t eat her out of house and home.

Skip the fast food.

Rest stops are a great place to stop for a pre-packed lunch, which would save Dad from having to shell out the dollars at a drive-through. This will also help with back-seat wiggles that the little ones get during long rides. After the picnic, take time to walk through the rest stop to learn more about the state you are visiting (or just passing through) and collect a few brochures and attraction coupons.

Pack extra supplies.

Tourist destinations can be a pricey place to purchase diapers, snacks, and all the extras. Try and over anticipate your family’s needs so there is no need to visit a store for overpriced items.

Find current events for your destination.

Many places offer farmer’s markets or weekend festivals for the entire family to enjoy. Not only are some of these events free, but they offer great learning experiences for the kids. Visit your planned destination’s official website for current event ideas.

Find an Aquarium or Zoo to visit.

Most cities offer a zoo or aquarium near their area. These places vary in price, so be sure to check the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ website to find a fun attraction for your family that will fit your budget.

No matter where your family decides to visit this year, be sure to plan a budget that fits your family’s needs. Spontaneous activities sometimes end up being the most memorable on vacation, so don’t plan every second. Remember to have fun and check TravelingMamas.com for travel ideas for you and your family.

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  1. Another tip … check newspapers and magazines for discount coupons. Or. promo packs of food sometimes give them. You might get a slew of them with any tourist literature you may pick up.

  2. Great advice, CajunMama! We just did a destination-focused piece about the on the Away Family Blog if your readers are looking for where to burn that rebate check.

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