May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

Did you know May is Better Hearing and Speech Month? Hearing loss affects over 34 million Americans including 3 million children. This condition deeply affects the life of those who have it and the people in their lives. If you are a traveler who uses a hearing device, you’ll understand how important it is to carry extra batteries for your hearing aid. Batteries for hearing aids aren’t always easy to find when traveling. Be sure to pack extra Rayovac hearing aid batteries when you leave home.

For more information about Better Hearing and Speech Month and hearing loss go to

Also, to support better hearing and the professionals in the industry, Rayovac is in search of the 2011 Hearing Professional of the Year. The Hearing Professional of the Year nomination gives patients an opportunity to thank and reward their Hearing Professional by recognizing them for making a difference in their lives.

I’d personally like to thank Dr. Frank Fazio in Baton Rouge, LA who is my daughter’s ENT and has helped us understand the stages of her hearing loss, how we can deal with it in a classroom setting, and is sensitive to her needs as a teenager. In the next few years, my daughter will eventually have to wear a hearing aid.

Voting details, award info and a Rayovac Hearing Aid coupon can be found under the “Hearing Aid Batteries” tab on the left sidebar of the Rayovac Facebook Page.

If you think you or a loved one might be experiencing hearing loss, call 1-800-800-5224, Monday through Friday 9 AM to 5 PM EST. You can hear Arnold Palmer talk about his own hearing loss, plus you can hear tips on how to tell if you might need a hearing aid.

The not-for-profit Better Hearing Institute can also provide information on hearing loss. Call 1-800-EAR-WELL (327-9355), Monday through Friday 9 AM to 5 PM EST.

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